Looking back 45 years after liberation of Bangladesh
Vietnam Tribune (ANI) Friday
23rd December, 2016

By Anil Bhat
New Delhi [India], Dec.23 (ANI): Vijay Diwas and Victory Day were
celebrated in India and Bangladesh in the week gone by with as much fervor as
in the past. This year, 2016, marked the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of
the 1971 Liberation War which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh out of what
was then East Pakistan.
This year, Kolkata played host to a 72-member delegation from
Bangladesh led by that country's Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal. It
included the "Mukti Joddhas" (freedom veterans) and their families,
and serving senior Bangladesh Armed Forces officers. Celebrations were spread
over four days under the aegis of the Indian Army's Eastern Command. Mukti
Joddhas who participated in the war, have been attending the annual reunion for
the past 10 years and they returned home with warm memories of shared and
spirited experiences of a time that was tense and traumatic for many.
Major General R. Nagraj, MGGS (Major General General Staff),
Headquarters, Eastern Command said the celebrations recalled the sacrifices of
about 3,800 Indian personnel killed and 12,000 injured in a war that eventually
led to 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendering in Dhaka on December 16, 1971.
The event in Kolkata included a military band concert on the
historical Princep Ghat, a magnificent horse show, parachute jumping and band
display at the Royal Calcutta Turf Club for the public. On 16 December, there
was a wreath-laying ceremony at the historic Vijay Smarak inside Fort William.
The memorial was installed in 1996 on the 25th anniversary of the victory.
A look back at pre-Bangladesh history is relevant. A few years
before the painful split of Pakistan into two parts - west and east -,
separated physically by India, the Bengalis of East Pakistan realized that the
oppression, exploitation and deprivation that they had suffered at the hands of
the British, was back in the form of their West Pakistani 'countrymen'.
Some of the causes of Bengali discontentment were: East Pakistan
being turned into a market to dump West Pakistani products; foreign trade being
biased in favor of West Pakistani interests; the ruling elite allocated and
distributed resources in favor of West Pakistan; between 1948 and 1960, East
Pakistan making 70 percent of all of Pakistan's exports, but receiving only 25
percent of the earnings; no profits/advantages accruing to East Pakistan
despite it being the largest producer of raw jute; Imposition of Urdu on a
largely Bengali speaking East Pakistan population despite Bengali being granted
official language status in 1956; the Pakistan government's failure to aid
victims of the Bhola Cyclone in November 1970; Pakistan's refusal to accept an
Awami League majority win and the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman (winning
298 seats in the East Bengal elections and 167 seats at the National Assembly elections);
the Operation Searchlight genocide by the Pakistan Army in East Pakistan of
over three million East Pakistanis, largely Bengalis, but also Hindus and
Christians and rape of up to 4,00,000 East Pakistani women.
All of these atrocities and disadvantages prompted a band of
determined East Pakistani Bengali youth to rise in rebellion under the banner
of Mukti Vahini and aided and trained by Indian Army, became an effective
counter to the Pakistan Army in East Pakistan.
The uncertainty in those times was compounded by around 10 million
East Bengali refugees entering India during the early months of the war
India declared war on Pakistan on December 3, 1971 after the
latter attacked the former's air force bases on the west, The war was fought on
two fronts -- Western and Eastern, and East Pakistan was encircled within
twelve days.
This war also revealed the great difference between how the Indian
and Pakistan armies treated each other as enemies. The driver of a destroyed
Pakistan tank captured by Indian Army personnel was cowering and when given tea
by them. He broke down and cursed his officers and blurted out their misdeeds.
In contrast, Lt. Chandavarkar, the youngest officer of the 45 Cavalry, was
captured by the Pakistan Army, tied to a tree and for each question that was
not answered, he lost a limb or organ. The JCO in charge chopped off his ear
lobes, fingernails, toes, and fingers and finally gouged out his eyes before
shooting him in the chest.
On December 16, 1971, Lt. Gen. Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, General
Officer Commanding-in Chief of the Eastern Command of the Pakistan Army, signed
the instrument of surrender at the Ramna Racecourse in Dhaka with his Indian
counterpart Lt. General Jagjit Singh Aurora.
Air Commodore A. K. Khandker, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the
Bangladesh Armed Forces, and Major General J F R Jacob, Chief of Staff of the
Indian Army's Eastern Command, witnessed the surrender. Also present were Vice
Admiral Mohammad Sharif, commander of the Pakistan Navy's Eastern Command and Air
Vice Marshal Patrick D. Callaghan of the Pakistan Air Force's Eastern Air Force
Command. Lt. Gen. Aurora accepted the surrender without saying a word, while
the crowd shouted anti-Niazi and anti-Pakistan slogans
The text of the surrender, now a public property of Indian,
Bangladeshi and Pakistani governments, is on display at the National Museum in
New Delhi, and reads:
The PAKISTAN Eastern Command agree to surrender all PAKISTAN Armed
Forces in BANGLA DESH to Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH AURORA, General
Officer Commanding in Chief of Indian and BANGLA DESH forces in the Eastern
Theatre. This surrender includes all PAKISTAN land, air and naval forces as
also all para-military forces and civil armed forces. These forces will lay
down their arms and surrender at the places where they are currently located to
the nearest regular troops under the command of Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH
The PAKISTAN Eastern Command shall come under the orders of
Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH AURORA as soon as the instrument has been
signed. Disobedience of orders will be regarded as a breach of the surrender
terms and will be dealt with in accordance with the accepted laws and usages of
war. The decision of Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH AURORA will be final, should
any doubt arise as to the meaning of interpretation of the surrender terms.
Lieutenant General JAGJIT SINGH AURORA gives a solemn assurance
that personnel who surrender shall be treated with dignity and respect that
soldiers are entitled to in accordance with provisions of the GENEVA Convention
and guarantees the safety and well-being of all PAKISTAN military and
para-military forces who surrender. Protection will be provided to foreign
nationals, ethnic minorities and personnel of WEST PAKISTANI origin by the
forces under the command of Lieutenant-General JAGJIT SINGH AURORA.
Lieutenant-General, General Officer Commanding in Chief
India and BANGLA DESH Forces in the Eastern Theatre
16 December 1971
Lieutenant-General, Martial Law Administrator Zone B and Commander
Eastern Command (Pakistan)
16 December 1971
An interesting and very ironic incident prior to the surrender
mentioned in Hassan Abbas' book, "Pakistan's drift into extremism: Allah,
the army, and America's war on terror", reads:
On December 14, 1971. Major General Rao Farman Ali and Lieutenant
General A.A.K. Niazi, the military commander in East Pakistan, asked the U.S.
consul in Dhaka (capital of East Pakistan) to transmit a surrender proposal to
New Delhi. Before forwarding the proposal, the U.S. ambassador in Islamabad was
instructed by Washington to get approval from Yahya. The foreign secretary.
Sultan Ahmed, speaking on behalf of the president of Pakistan, gave the necessary
approval. Yahya Khan did not have time to attend to this matter personally. On
the eve of Pakistan's surrender he was giving a party in his newly constructed
house in Peshawar." One of the few guests was Mrs. Shamim, known as
"Black Pearl," the Bengali beauty who was Yahya's latest sexual
af?liate and whom he had recently appointed as Pakistan's ambassador to
Austria. As drinks ?owed, so did the affair go progressively nude? It was when
the whole party was drunk and unattired, except for Major General Ishaque,
Yahya's military secretary, that "Black Pearl" wished to go home. The
president insisted that he would drive her personally, both of them stark
naked. General Ishaque could not save Pakista, but he did manage to knock
enough sense into the sizzled head of a fun loving president to put him into
his pants. Thus coincided the housewarming of the president's house with the
surrender in East Pakistan.
The cruel inhuman conduct of Pakistani officers of their troops
was in sharp contrast to the manner in which Indian Army treated Pakistan
prisoners of war (PsOW). The 93,000 Pak PsOW were totally surprised at the
humane treatment they got in their POW camps in India, as promised before their
surrender by then Indian Army Chief, Gen, later Field Marshal, S H F J
Manekshaw. Twice after the 1971 war, he visited Pakistan for Delineation Talks.
In one of them, at Lahore, as he was departing after being hosted by the
Governor of Punjab province, one of the employees at the Governor's House
placed his turban at Manekshaw's feet. In chaste Punjabi when Sam told him
'this turban should be on your head, not at my feet', the man emotionally
replied that it was there to thank him for the well being of five of his sons
serving in the Pakistan Army and all being held as PsOW in India, in humane
conditions with prisoners pay, beds to sleep on, even when Indian Army
personnel were facing a shortage of the same and provision to write letters
home, which he was receiving from all of them. His parting words, much to the
embarrassment of the Governor and Pakistani officials were '.we will never
again say that Indians are bad'.
The views expressed in the above article are that of Col (Retired)
Anil Bhat.(ANI)
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